Important Dates:
Aug. 20-First day of School
Aug. 23- Summer Reading calendar due to Rooster Time teachers.
Aug. 26- Fall Picture Day
Aug. 30-Sept. 2-No School- Labor Day
Sept. 20- 3 Hr. Early Release
Sept. 27- 3 Hr. Early Release- Homecoming

Monday, August 15, 2011

Policies Video

Video of Policies for 6A - 2011-2012

Student Planners

Planners: Planners are a great organizational tool for students and a great communication tool for parents. Students are expected to fill out their planner in each core class daily (listing assignments, due dates etc.) and take them home daily. Teachers will sign planners for each class and sometimes may write an important note. We will do periodic planner checks throughout the year spot checking to see if planners are being utilized in this manner. Students may receive a small reward for having a filled out and signed planner (signed by the teacher). Parents are not required to sign planners.

Thank You,
Chandra Arbuckle