Important Dates:
Aug. 20-First day of School
Aug. 23- Summer Reading calendar due to Rooster Time teachers.
Aug. 26- Fall Picture Day
Aug. 30-Sept. 2-No School- Labor Day
Sept. 20- 3 Hr. Early Release
Sept. 27- 3 Hr. Early Release- Homecoming

Science Links

 On this page you will find links that go along with the topics we are studying.  These links might be of interest to the students - and also to parents.  Please check this page out from time to time.

You can find the class work for each week by going to the link :

BBC has a fun site but we cannot access it from school.  Try this from home and play around with it. The games titled "Questionaut" and "Gut Instinct" are quite fun to play.  BBC Science games and interactive activities

Exploring Through Time

Plate Tectonics
Animations of plate movement, earthquakes and all things related to plate movement. 

Cells Alive 

Color, Light, Lenses, Eye
Color Matters
Geometric Optics - Lenses 
Ontario Science Ctr.  
cow eye dissection 
Eye diagram 
Mixing Pixels 
The Eyes Have It 
Mixing Colors 
Exploratorium - Bird in a Cage 
Exploratory - Illusions 

 Waves in Music - Phil Tulga
Different Types of Waves
Properties of Waves 

Explore inside stuff, transforming stuff, crushing stuff, and improving stuff.  Check it out Strange Matter Exhibit
Mass (spring) 

Sites for finding experiments to do:
Science Bob At Home Experiments
Science Fun Home Experiments 
Experiments and Games 
Science Experiment Ideas 
Virtual Physics Lab 

Fun Medical Game 
Physics Games 

Fun interactive/game learning site.  SciZone 
Chemistry for Kids  
Games, Videos etc. 
 Create A Graph

A fun site for students that like to figure out mechanical challenges is a game called "Launchball".  I have enjoyed this site and know that many of you will enjoy it too.

Here is a site that is a lot of fun and covers many topics.  Some include games and others are informational.  We will be studying inquiry at the first of the year, so check out the "Inquiry" spot and choose grades 5-12.  Have fun and enjoy!!!  

Build a bridge to withstand an earthquake and test it. Bridge Builder
Design a car and test it.  Design A Car

Mrs. Williamson