Important Dates:
Aug. 20-First day of School
Aug. 23- Summer Reading calendar due to Rooster Time teachers.
Aug. 26- Fall Picture Day
Aug. 30-Sept. 2-No School- Labor Day
Sept. 20- 3 Hr. Early Release
Sept. 27- 3 Hr. Early Release- Homecoming

Communication Arts

Students will continue reading  and discussing a variety of fiction and nonfiction pieces of writing from their literature book, various articles, and pieces of poetry. Students will focus on inferences, characterization, plot development, and enhancing their writing skills.

Week of 5-6-13
TLW continue studying Civil Rights.
TLW will also read and write poetry.
Field Trip
Field Day and MAP Reward Day

Week of 5-13-13
TLW utilize their vocabulary skills to play the game Word Trio.
TLW study poetry.
Lit. book pages 544-549. TLW create a poem.
TLW utilize their vocabulary skills to play the game Balderdash and/or Apples to Apples.
TLW study poetry.
Lit. book pages 550-555. TLW create a poem.
TLW utilize their vocabulary skills to play the game Balderdash and/or Apples to Apples.