Important Dates:
Aug. 20-First day of School
Aug. 23- Summer Reading calendar due to Rooster Time teachers.
Aug. 26- Fall Picture Day
Aug. 30-Sept. 2-No School- Labor Day
Sept. 20- 3 Hr. Early Release
Sept. 27- 3 Hr. Early Release- Homecoming

Monday, August 19, 2013

Welcome Back!

August 2013

Dear 6th graders and parents:

            Welcome to Team 6A!  It is our hope that you will find this team both fun and challenging while increasing your confidence in school.
            Below are a few general procedures that we will follow to make our short time together more efficient.

Classroom Information:
      Students must come to class with their assignment book, paper, homework (if necessary), pencil and pen.  If they come to class and cannot find their pencil or are out of paper, they need to borrow a pencil from someone and take a piece of paper.  Just be prepared when class starts.  After three times of coming to class without one of these materials they will receive a detention from the teacher.

      Books will be assigned for students to take home in ELA and occasionally in other subjects.

Turning in work:
      All papers must have first and last name, hour, and assignment in the heading.  Pencils must be used on math assignments.   If papers are not claimed after progress reports are sent home they will be recycled.

      If a student is absent, he/she will need to read the calendar or homework web page and gather all materials needed to complete their work.  It is their responsibility to get missing work. Also, work may be requested in the morning of the second consecutive day absent and picked up after school that day.

      Progress reports will be emailed home on the 1st and 15th of each month.  (This is in addition to midterm and quarter grades.)  This is one of our ways of communicating with you concerning how your child is progressing and making note of any missing work. Again, if you do not have email access at work or home, these will be sent home with your child.

      Every Monday we will be updating our homework on the web, so you can see what is happening in our classrooms.  This will include what is class work and what is homework. You can obtain access for homework on the web as well as grades through the school website,

      We will be sending home monthly newsletters about what is going on with our team and what is coming up in the next month.  The office sends these via email or hard copy.  You should have been asked to provide an email address from the office for this in your welcome back packet.

      Every day the students will be required to fill in their planners with what is going on in the classroom.  Each teacher will sign the planner hourly to make sure they have it filled out.  This is a great resource for parents to find out if students are missing work right away.  We do tend to look back at the pages from the past, so we ask that students do not tear out the pages, scribble/doodle over information, or fold them in half. If a student comes to class without their planner five times within a quarter, they may receive a detention from the team.

      During the year, we will be having field trips and other activities.  If students have a D, F, office referral, or detention they may not be able to attend the special activity.  They will instead complete work or read quietly while the others participate in the activity.  Field trips and special activities are a privilege, not required.

Rooster Time:

      Focus groups will take place on Mondays and Tuesdays during Rooster Time.

      Rooster Time is not just time for silent reading.  We do other activities to help improve or advance student reading abilities.

       Wed.-Fri. at 3pm we will have SOS (Student Opportunities and Support) students can get needed help from teachers and work on homework or silent read.

      Most teachers have a classroom library that students will be able to check out books from, if they choose to do so.  If students lose these books they will be responsible to replace them.  Students will not be allowed to check these books out until a student/parent contract is signed.

Remember- We are always here to help you.  Students can see us before or after school if needed.

Looking Forward To a Great Year!
Team 6 A teachers

Monday, December 3, 2012

Our students will be going to the high school PAC on Monday, Dec. 17 for an assembly by Camfel Productions titled “The Pledge”. This will be a motivational production regarding bullying. We will be boarding buses around 9:10am. The program will last approximately one hour then we will return to the Intermediate School. We are excited to provide this opportunity for our students.

      December 19 will be comprised of an assembly of fun and entertaining activities. There will events performed by our choir, band, STUCO, and Positive School Climate (PSC). The assembly will begin at approximately 8:45am and last roughly one and a half hours. We invite you to join us

Saturday, September 29, 2012

CNN Student News

We have been watching CNN Student News in class and the students are really enjoying it.  They feel more connected to the world around them and are asking great questions.  

Check it out, Carl is a crack up!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

6A teachers are very excited to get the year started . On the first day of school we will be giving out many pieces of paper. Please read through these, sign the ones that need signatures, and return the ones that should be returned.

Please read through the first day letter with your child. That paper has a 20 point assignment attached and is very important. Be sure to sign the front and back.

There are some changes in communication this year. Checking your email and checking the blog will be very important. The blog will be updated weekly so that you will be informed. Links will be added to help ease you into this process.

The school year will be very exciting and fun for all of us. Let us know if we can help you in any way and answer any of your questions. Remember, you are your child’s best teacher, and we want to be in partnership with you to help your child excel.

We will see you soon,
Team 6A Teachers

Monday, August 15, 2011

Policies Video

Video of Policies for 6A - 2011-2012

Student Planners

Planners: Planners are a great organizational tool for students and a great communication tool for parents. Students are expected to fill out their planner in each core class daily (listing assignments, due dates etc.) and take them home daily. Teachers will sign planners for each class and sometimes may write an important note. We will do periodic planner checks throughout the year spot checking to see if planners are being utilized in this manner. Students may receive a small reward for having a filled out and signed planner (signed by the teacher). Parents are not required to sign planners.

Thank You,
Chandra Arbuckle