students will be going to the high school PAC on Monday, Dec. 17 for an
assembly by Camfel Productions titled “The Pledge”. This will be a
motivational production regarding bullying. We will be boarding buses
around 9:10am. The program will last approximately one hour then we will
return to the Intermediate School. We are excited to provide this
opportunity for our students.
Important Dates:
Aug. 20-First day of School
Aug. 23- Summer Reading calendar due to Rooster Time teachers.
Aug. 26- Fall Picture Day
Aug. 30-Sept. 2-No School- Labor Day
Sept. 20- 3 Hr. Early Release
Sept. 27- 3 Hr. Early Release- Homecoming
Aug. 20-First day of School
Aug. 23- Summer Reading calendar due to Rooster Time teachers.
Aug. 26- Fall Picture Day
Aug. 30-Sept. 2-No School- Labor Day
Sept. 20- 3 Hr. Early Release
Sept. 27- 3 Hr. Early Release- Homecoming